Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is Nominated? Who Is The Target?

Big Brother Sis and Christie CBS live feeds

Big Brother Jackson HoH cutting watermelon CBS

SPOILERS ahead from the 2019 Big Brother 21 live feeds.

Beast Mode. That's how Jackson Michie handled the Big Brother 21 Week 8 Head of Household competition. It was the slip-and-slide endurance comp, and it started at the end of the Thursday, August 15, 2019 live show that ended with poor Kat being evicted. Jackson won HoH, and on Friday he put two new houseguests on the block.

Here are the Big Brother 2019 live feeds updates:

Who Won HoH? Jackson MichieWho Was Nominated? Jackson nominated Christie Murphy and Analyse 'Sis' TalaveraWho Is The Eviction Target? ChristieWho Won The Veto Competition? Here's the update from Saturday's Veto comp.Who Are The Final Nominees? We'll find out Monday during the Veto Ceremony. One of the nominees could be taken off the block, although that's not what Jackson wants.Who Will Be Evicted? We'll find out Thursday, August 22 during the live eviction episode.

Before this HoH, I was saying I wanted Jackson or Holly Allen to win because they seem to be the new underdogs of the house, along with Jess. Jess just helped blow up the house, and the chaos exposed the Cliff's Angels alliance. Jess is close to Christie, though, so she wouldn't target Christie.

Big Brother 21 Jackson nominated Christie and Sis CBS

Jackson, on the other hand? Jackson has been openly against Christie. He wants her gone. He needs her gone first.

However, Jackson and Holly both just voted to evict Kat. They only did it because they wanted to stay on the right side of The House. They were keeping their options open after Tommy's HoH. But now that Jackson is in power, at least for this week -- what will he do when he doesn't have to play nice?

Jackson immediately made his plan clear, to his showmance-mate Holly, that he wants to target Christie. Jackson and Holly spent late Thursday and early Friday deciding the best way to do that. Christie next to a pawn, or a backdoor? A backdoor move left the possibility that Christie could stay, plus Jackson said he wanted to be open and take a straight shot. He considered putting Jess up, but Holly pointed out that he'd lose a vote with Jess up, and she'd probably be the one evicted by the rest of the house. Jackson also considered putting Cliff up as a pawn, after dealmaker Cliff Hogg IIIf's new deal with the "new" six -- Nick, Sis, Christie, Cliff, Tommy Bracco, and Nicole Anthony.

Big Brother Sis and Christie CBS live feeds

Jackson settled on Christie and Sis, hoping that the nominations stay the same. We'll see if his plan changes after the Veto and any post-Veto strategy sessions.

Jackson clearly wants Christie gone, but if that doesn't happen, he said he'd like to break up the Christie/Sis/Tommy dynamic. Sadly, Jackson already told Nick that he would NOT put him up. Nick is someone I am dying to see targeted (again). He's been playing both sides hard the past couple of weeks, and he's the architect of using Cliff and Nicole to essentially replace Jackson and Holly in the six. Holly did bring up Nick's name to Jackson on Friday. Jackson wants Christie out first, but he's not blind to Nick. Holly would prefer to have Nick out ASAP since Nick would take a shot at her and Jess. Jackson knows that, but since he's been Christie's target, he's targeting her now.

Big Brother Jackson hugs Christie after he won the slip and slide HoH live feeds

Nick is supposedly now with his new six. But how long do we think that will last under the pressure of a Jackson HoH? Nick has been pushing the angle that the guys have to stick together, that was one argument to evict Kat over Cliff, but I have a feeling Nick is setting everything up for a final 3 of himself, Sis, and Nicole. (Maybe Tommy as #4, since Tommy seems to love Nick.) Both Sis and Nicole have been shown to be pretty bad at comps, so Nick could probably beat them in the final HoH. He'd ditch Nicole at final three because she's too popular with jurors, and Sis would end up with $50,000 for ... what? Flirting?

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This is Jackson's first HoH, and we can probably expect him to prance like a peacock about it all week. In his defense, he did tell Christie he planned to be a straight-shooter, and he didn't want any personal attacks or gossip during his run. (Good luck with that.) He said his challenge to Christie was game-related, not personal. She's a strong player, she's a leader of her side, and she's a threat.

I hope Nicole stays safe, but she could also be considered an easy pawn if things shift on Monday. Her name hasn't come up as a serious option yet, but ... Holly did regret not putting Nicole up as a pawn when she was targetting Sam.

Big Brother 2019 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS. Keep up with all the action on the live feeds. It should be an interesting week.

Gina Carbone

Gina grew up in Massachusetts and California in her own version of The Parent Trap. She went to three different middle schools, four high schools, and three universities -- including half a year in Perth, Western Australia. She currently lives in a small town in Maine, the kind Stephen King regularly sets terrible things in, so this may be the last you hear from her.