Could Don’t Breathe 2 Bring Back More Returning Characters?

Stephen Lang feeling his surroundings, with a gun in his hand, in Don't Breathe.

A couple years back, director Fede Alvarez dropped a lean and mean horror film by the name of Don’t Breathe into theaters. The movie turned into a surprise hit, as a pre-Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist Jane Levy ran from a menacing blind veteran, played by the always intense Stephen Lang. Fans have been teased about the prospect of a sequel since that first film came out in 2016, and the reward is going to be in theaters soon with Don’t Breathe 2's arrival August. But could more characters be returning from the first film?

That question landed on the table today after a first look photo for the Rodo Sayagues-directed follow-up appeared in USA Today. Showcasing Stephen Lang’s returning character, who survived the events of Don’t Breathe, it appears he’s settled down in a new location and may have even become a better person. But sure enough, the synopsis for Don’t Breathe 2 sets the stage for the next home invasion conflict:

Set years after the 2016 hit, the horror sequel catches up with blind veteran Norman Nordstrom (Stephen Lang), who's been living in an isolated cabin but has his solace interrupted when past sins catch up to him.

By that description alone, and with only the knowledge that Stephen Lang is returning for Don’t Breathe 2, there’s some possibilities as to who could be hunting him in this new film. One of these could be the surprise return of Jane Levy’s Rocky, who we last saw escaping to Los Angeles with her sister. For one reason or another, Rocky might be looking for revenge, and those past sins could be the infamous turkey baster scene that saw Don’t Breathe become a much talked about film of its class.

Or maybe when Rocky got to Los Angeles with sister Diddy, presumably before Don’t Breathe 2’s events, something happened and Rocky is no longer in the picture. Which could leave Diddy to swear vengeance against Stephen Lang’s potentially former villain, as the synopsis is now talking about “his solace.” So while Don’t Breathe 2 might see “The Blind Man” retired from a life of creepy vengeance, that doesn’t mean his past is done with him.

Of course, there could be other “past sins” that are catching up with Norman Nordstrom, as Don’t Breathe 2’s protagonist was a pretty vicious dude when he wanted to be. Someone could have been wronged before, or after, Don’t Breathe’s chain of events. There’s even a possibility that the parents of Cindy, the woman who killed Norman’s daughter, may have found out that he was her captor. As such, those peaceful days could be coming to an end, as the cycle of parental revenge puts Stephen Lang on the other side of the table.

Don’t Breathe 2 is chugging along to its August 13 release date without fail. And not only should the potential for returning characters strike a chord with fans far and wide, but if Norman Nordstrom is indeed made out to be a hero in this next chapter, the reasoning just has to be wild. You don't come back easily from a twist like the one that first film dropped.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.