Borat 2's Instagram Model Has Some (Conflicting) Thoughts About Her Subsequent Movie Appearance

Borat 2 Macy Chanel talking on her couch

Last weekend, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm took Amazon’s Prime Video by storm. With fans flocking back to Sacha Baron Cohen’s story/prank driven hybrid, there was plenty of cheers, and some shenanigans that are becoming flash points for controversy. That’s par for the course with a movie like this, but Borat 2 has actually seen a rather interesting conflict of thoughts coming from one of its subjects: Instagram model/influencer Macy Chanel. Here’s what we’ve seen from this story so far.

In a huge piece dissecting and investigating the validity of pranks in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, IndieWire did exhaustive contacting and following up with several subjects that were presented in Sacha Baron Cohen’s big sequel. In a message through her Instagram profile, Ms. Chanel described her reaction to participating in the film with the following remarks:

This has been a super difficult time. I was misled into playing a role and being cast as someone that does not reflect who I am. I have enjoyed a successful modeling and acting career where I can play any role given. In this case and probably many others I did not read the ‘fine’ print. As well as lacking the resources to read every casting contract.

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard a cast member or public figure of Borat Subsequent Moviefilm taking aim at the satirical mockumentary, as former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani has also hit back about his particularly salacious segment in the film. As can be seen in the rest of the rundown of pranks on display in Borat 2, there are indeed varying degrees of knowledge that were alleged to have been provided to certain participants.

If the story above is to be believed, Macy Chanel wasn’t one of those people who were particularly in the know. Not only that, but Chanel feels she was purposefully misled into portraying herself in a rather unflattering light. Or at least, Macy felt that way when speaking to IndieWire, as the influencer seems to have changed her tune on what exactly happened in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm. See what she had to say in a further comment below:

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Now, it seems that Macy Chanel is not only proud of her Borat 2 role, but she was totally in on the gag! Claiming to have, “stayed in character throughout the entire time,” Chanel even said the film is “hilarious” and “as expected from Sacha Baron Cohen.” It appears that much like any good mockumentary prank movie, the line between truth and fiction is pretty damned blurry, and there’s no indication which position is the real deal.

Of course, projects like Borat Subsequent Moviefilm thrive on that sort of thing, as constantly questioning the reality of this moviefilm is half of the fun of watching it unfold. So it really doesn’t matter what the truth may be in this case, as ultimately, the curious scenario of Macy Chanel is just another mystery left for fans to decipher for themselves. Something that you can currently do for yourself, as Borat Subsequent Moviefilm is currently available for streaming on Prime Video.

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Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.